


Product Info

Industrial Gigabit Ethernet Switches

The Edgecore ECIS4500 series are managed industrial Gigabit Ethernet switches. The switches provide Gigabit Ethernet ports for upgrading the existing Fast Ethernet network infrastructure to full Gigabit speed. Gigabit Ethernet networks provide a higher bandwidth than the legacy Fast Ethernet networks and reduces the response time for time-sensitive applications. 


The Edgecore ECIS4500 series are managed industrial Gigabit Ethernet switches. The switches provide Gigabit Ethernet ports for upgrading the existing Fast Ethernet network infrastructure to full Gigabit speed. Gigabit Ethernet networks provide a higher bandwidth than the legacy Fast Ethernet networks and reduces the response time for time-sensitive applications. With powerful features, the ECIS4500 series are easy to deploy and manage the network, providing reliable and quality service for growing network traffic demand.

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